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The President Cup Tournament – 2022

The annual President Cup tournament was played last Wednesday night, 23rd November, at Manhattan Bowl.

There are two divisions, Ladies and Men’s. Bowler’s bowl four games with two games blocks. After the four games are bowled third is declared and second will play first in a one game playoff, who ever win with handicap is declared the winner.

Bowling in the men’s division we had Andrew Drylie, Ari Baram, Howard Baram, Graeme Bogan [defending his title of last year], Michael Bartels, Michael Eisenstein and Zac Judd. In the ladies division we had Fiona Rothman, Naomi Baram, Michelle Rothman and our President Sue Sznajer.

In the men’s division after two games were bowled, leading the charge was Zac Judd [who is Sue’s grandson] with 479 w/hcp which included 192 & 189 scratch games, followed by Ari Baram on 436 w/hcp which included a 195 scratch game. Last year winner Graeme Bogan was in 3rd place with 416 w/hcp that included a 186 scratch game. Not   behind in 4th place was Howard Baram on 387 w/hcp who had a 188 scratch game. Followed by Michael Eisenstein on 365 w/hcp; Andrew Drylie on 371 w/hcp and Michael Bartels on 348 w/hcp.

In the ladies division Fiona Rothman was leading the charge with 414 w/hcp followed by Naomi Baram on 379 w/hcp and  in 3rd place was our last year’s winner Sue on 365 w/hcp followed by Michelle Rothman on 331 w/hcp.

After the second block was bowled the final standing in the men’s division was Zac in 1st place finishing on  848 w/hcp followed in 2nd place Ari on 818 w/hcp, with Howard in 3rd place on 776 w/hcp, by Michael Bartels on 763 w/hcp, last year winner finished in 5th place on 749 w/hcp, Andrew on 725 w/hcp and then Michael Eisenstein on 678 w/hcp.

In the ladies division Fiona finished on top with 762 w/hcp followed in 2nd place Naomi on 731 w/hcp, and our President Sue finished in 3rd place on 724 w/hcp followed by Michelle with 675 w/hcp.

In the one game playoff Zac having a 7point advantage against Ari was too good. opening with three strikes in a row, then opening the next two frames, then closing the next four frames where Ari opening the first frame closed the next two frames with two strikes then sparing the next six frames. On the 9th frame there were only 10 pins the difference going into the 10th frame where both players were on a spare, Zac closed with a strike followed by a 9 missed giving him a 201 scratch score with 250 w/hcp were Ari also closed with a strike then open with  8 but only managed to hit one pin, giving him a 191 scratch score with 233 w/hcp.

In the ladies playoff Naomi was too good for Fiona who finished with a 189 scratch score with 224 w/hcp having open the first frame, from 2nd to 6th frame she spared then 7th frame a strike, 8th frame a spare then frame 9 & 10 strike out with a four strikes in a row where Fiona could only manage sparing in the 8th, 9th and 10th frame giving here a 96 scratch score with a 165 w/hcp.

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