VIC AJAX Swimming Club

VIC AJAX Swimming Club
Maccabi AJAX Swimming Club (formerly AJAX Swimming Club and then AJAX Maccabi Swimming Club) was founded over eighty years ago and is affiliated with Maccabi Victoria which is the peak body for Jewish sport in Melbourne.
We are registered with Swimming Victoria and Masters Swimming Victoria, and are therefore able to offer a pathway for those of our members who wish to take part in State or National competitions.
We have also partnered with Maccabi Aquatics, a full-service swim school operating at the Bialik College Gringlas Sports Centre in Hawthorn East – Maccabi Aquatics runs all the squad programs for Club members.
We are administered by active volunteers who give their time to assist with the development of programs and the hosting of events.
As a not-for-profit organisation, the Club generates its revenue through sponsorships, membership, and events. Income and funding are re-invested back into the sport for development squads, participation in events such as Maccabiah and the Pan Am Games as well as local and interstate competitions.
Please click here to register.