Simcha Support


Simcha Support

We are immensely grateful to the members of the community who choose to share their simchas (special events) with us. Why not mark your next milestone occasion by asking for donations to the Maccabi Foundation? You can choose to make a general donation, or you can direct your funds to a club, program or project that has a special significance to you.

Reach out to us for more information or to assist you with setting up a giving page now:

How does Simcha Giving work?

Next time you are celebrating a special occasion, such as a birthday, engagement, wedding, anniversary or bar/bat mitzvah, take the opportunity to ask your friends and family to support Maccabi in lieu of gifts.

We will work with you to set up a personalised online fundraising platform so you can easily share it with your loved ones, keeping you updated with the progress of your donations and how much you have raised.

Don’t feel comfortable with an online platform? that’s OK! We can also process your simcha support via cheque or credit card.

Not your Simcha? You can choose to make a donation on behalf of someone else’s celebration, even if they are not running a simcha support campaign. Contact us to ensure that your donation is recognised in their name, and we can organise a special letter and certificate to mark the occasion.

Where Do You Want To Give?

There are a number of options when asking for donations for your simcha. These include:

  • All Abilities: our All Abilities program provides Jewish people with disabilities with greater opportunities to participate in sport and recreation. We run a number of programs, many in conjunction with our mainstream clubs, to ensure that sport is accessible to everyone. Sports on offer include basketball, swimming, footy and cricket as well as special events.
  • Hardship relief funding: With the rising costs of living and the lingering impact of Covid on the community, we recognise that there is a real and continued need to provide support to ensure that no Jewish individual misses out on participating in Maccabi sport due to financial hardship. Our hardship relief funding allows us to support individuals and families in need to ensure that they can stay connected with the community through Maccabi clubs and events.
  • General Maccabi Victoria support: help us to support our clubs and programs across Victoria. We will direct general funding to the area that needs it most.
  • Club support: funds can be directed to a particular club to support their activities


Reach out to us for more information or to assist you with setting up a giving page now: Simcha Support

Learn more about the Maccabi Foundation: National Foundation