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Remembering Noel Clough: A Legend at Maccabi Athletics

In the world of athletics, there are individuals who define the spirit of the sport through their excellence, dedication, and passion. Maccabi Athletics has been fortunate to count several such individuals among their ranks. Today, we remember and pay tribute to one of these exceptional figures – their past athletic coach, Noel Clough, whose recent passing leaves an indelible void.

Noel Clough came onboard as the head coach of Maccabi Athletics during the 1972/73 season, commencing a tenure that spanned eight continuous, wonderful years. In that time, he profoundly influenced the club, its athletes, and the community at large.

Before he graced our club with his expertise, Noel was already an outstanding athlete in his own right. His achievements painted a picture of true athleticism and dedication. He won the Commonwealth Games 880 yards gold medal in 1966 in Jamaica, setting a new Games record of 1min 46.9 sec. In metric terms, this feat translates to a breathtaking 1:46:1 for the 800m. He was also a nationally ranked 400m and 400m hurdler, earning numerous medals at the Australian Championships.

As a coach, Noel’s versatility mirrored his athletic prowess. He trained athletes in events ranging from sprints to 800m, hurdles, and relays. Noel’s coaching was instrumental in the Australian Track and Field team’s success at the 1977 Maccabiah Games in Israel, where the team secured a multitude of medals in the men’s and women’s sprints, middle distance, hurdles, and relays.

Noel’s influence extended beyond the physical realms of athletics. From the moment he joined Maccabi, he brought about a significant shift in the attitude towards training and competition among club members. He was not merely a coach but a mentor, whose teachings permeated into the lives of his athletes.

Many of Noel’s athletes achieved state and national ranking in their respective events under his guidance, and our club’s men’s and women’s open and junior teams enjoyed tremendous success at the State relay championships.

More than just a coach and an athlete, Noel was a remarkable human being whose legacy extends beyond his achievements on the track. His memory will live on in the hearts of the athletes he guided and the community that respected him.

Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with Noel’s family during this difficult time. As we bid farewell, we remember Noel as a truly great athlete, a dedicated coach, and above all, an exceptional person who contributed significantly to the Maccabi Athletics legacy.

Rest in peace, Noel. Your spirit will forever light up the tracks of Maccabi Athletics.


Len Bogatin (0411 512404)
Maccabi Athletic Club

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