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Maccabi Tenpin Super League successfully holds the 2022 Yetty Bennett Memorial Tournament

Last month Maccabi Tenpin Super League had its annual Yetty Bennett Memorial Tournament. This tournament is in honour of one of Maccabi Tenpin bowlers who 25 years ago in Israel attending the opening ceremony of the 15th Maccabiah Games loss her life tragically when the bridge going into the main arena collapse.

With the continuation of Covid-19 in our community our club Committee decided to keep our members safe, that there would be no outside bowlers to play in this year’s tournament and it will become a club in-house tournament from this year on.

In the past, bowlers bowled six games then a playoff in one session. This year due to the bowling alley unable to accommodate the tournament in one session, we bowled over two weeks within our league games; three games on 17th August and the last three games plus playoff on 24th August.

We had four ladies competing; Deidre Libbert; Naomi Baram; Fiona and Michelle Rothman with seven men competing; Andrew Drylie; Ari Baram; Anthony Houston; John Storey; Howard Baram; Luis Gutierrez and Michael Eisenstein at Manhattan Superbowl, Mascot, for which the Committee would like to thank Savva and Alistair for all their help over the two nights.

In the Men’s Division after the three games were bowled, Luis was leading with 618 w/hcp which included two high games scratch of 189 and 200; followed by Anthony on 567 w/hcp and in third place was Howard on 556 w/hcp who had a high game scratch of 181 then the remainder of the men’s were Michael on 526 w/hcp; Ari on 515 w/hcp; Andrew and John on the same handicap of 498. In the Ladies Division after three games were bowled, Deidre was leading with 608 w/hcp followed by Naomi in second place on 555 w/hcp who had a high game scratch of 182 and in third place was Fiona on 552 w/hcp then Michelle on 494 w/hcp.

The final three games in the Men’s Division Luis was still leading with 602 w/hcp which included a high game scratch of 196 followed in second place Andrew on 596 w/hcp which included a high game scratch of 194 and in third place Ari on 585 w/hcp then the remaining men’s were Howard on 573 w/hcp which included a high game scratch of 182; Anthony on 564 w/hcp; Michael on 551 w/hcp then John on 547 w/hcp. In the Ladies Division Deidre was still leading with 647 w/hcp which included a high games scratch of 193 then Naomi on 624 w/hcp with two high games scratch of 181 &182 in second place then Fiona on 546 w/hcp in third place followed by Michelle on 511 w/hcp.

The two weeks scores were added and the final standing in the Men’s Division was Luis on 1220; Anthony on 1131; Howard on 1129; Ari on 1100; Andrew on 1091; Michael on 1077 and John on 1045. In the Ladies Division final standing was Deidre on 1255; Naomi on 1179; Fiona on 1098 and Michelle on 1005. All final scores are with the bowler’s handicap.

The top three bowlers were declared in both divisions. Third played second in a one game playoff in both divisions. In the Men’s Division Howard won with 182 scratch score giving him a 203 w/hcp which included four strikes in a row against Anthony of 155 scratch; 191 w/hcp. Howard now plays Luis in a one game playoff. Howard having only a two pin handicap difference from Luis could not match Luis good form, leaving only the first frame open then closing all the frames which included five strikes in a row leaving the tenth frame opened, bowled a scratch score of 213 with a 23 handicap giving Luis a 236 w/hcp against Howard’s game of 175 scratch with 196 w/hcp.

In the Ladies Division Naomi bowled 166 scratch score; 205 w/hcp against Fiona 154 scratch; 229 w/hcp, which put her in third place for the tournament. Fiona now plays top seeded Deidre in a one game playoff. Fiona having a nineteen pins handicap advantage could not capitalise on it as both bowlers had open frames and Fiona only managed to close one frame ending up with an 82 scratch score with 157 w/hcp against Deidre 104 scratch with 160 w/hcp being three pins the different.

This year’s tournament winners: Men’s Division: 1st Luis; 2nd Howard and 3rd Anthony. Ladies Division: 1st Deidre; 2nd Fiona and 3rd Naomi.

Well done to all the bowlers who competed in this year’s tournament.

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