Leadership – VIC



The future of Maccabi and indeed all Jewish organisations relies on our ability to attract, develop and mentor the next generation of future leaders.



Our objective is to create and deliver programs that offer and support a pathway of development for outstanding young prospective leaders sourced from around the country.

Program Plans

This will delivered through 3 distinct program that will be aligned to our overall objectives and key events.

Future Leaders Forum

A purpose built leadership program to facilitate a pathway for volunteers to take up roles within the Maccabi organisation including Club administration, State Board positions or Maccabi Australia major projects.

A purpose built leadership program to facilitate a pathway for volunteers to take up roles within the Maccabi organisation including Club administration, State Board positions or Maccabi Australia major projects.

Youth Leaders Development

An experiential program designed to encourage Youth leaders to be able to take up leadership roles for Carnivals.

An experiential program designed to encourage Youth leaders to be able to take up leadership roles for Carnivals.

Leadership in Sport

Identify appropriate people who will be trained and mentored over an 18 month period to take up key roles for Maccabiah and other international games.

Identify appropriate people who will be trained and mentored over an 18 month period to take up key roles for Maccabiah and other international games.

Future Leaders Forum

The purpose of the Future Leaders Program (FLP) is to train, educate, empower, inspire and prepare our future leaders for Management, Board and Operational roles within the organisation whilst simultaneously offering opportunities of community involvement, learning and development on personal and professional levels. To have a strong community we need to have leaders both willing to be involved and suitably trained.

The FLP program is a pathway for successful candidates to gain skills through the Maccabi Australia network and then expand those skills through the broader MWU global Future Leader Forum.(FLF). Both programs have been designed by Maccabi World Union and has a proven and successful track record of success.

The FLP and FLF success ensures the succession of Maccabi and its communities worldwide whilst at the same time offering opportunities for GLOBAL networking connections and learning from fellow Maccabi organisations worldwide through interactions and bespoke speakers for personal and professional development.

  • MAI will provide the opportunity (to key candidates) to attend the Future Leadership Forum which is held annually in Israel. This global seminars attracts potential young future leaders from all Maccabi affiliate countries and sessions are held during the Forum and then post the conference. This is a unique opportunity and links our prospective leaders to the Maccabi ideal, community and global issues.
  • This program is aligned to our broader leadership programs as participants will be given opportunity to take up various roles across the organization as Youth leadership in Carnival, participation at club/ board/ international levels and to lead various projects and events

Youth Leaders

Passionate Capable youth will be identified from within the clubs/Maccabi community, and recruited, trained as  Youth Leaders for roles within Carnival.

  • Through their involvement in the Youth Leader Development and carnival  there will be simultaneous exposure and information on the opportunities  available through Maccabi Australia’s Leadership Programs
  • Firstly, The program is to identify, recruit and provide a training program that equip our young leaders with the necessary Leadership methods and skills they require to perform the role as Youth Leader at junior Carnival, embracing the MAI culture whilst safely representing Maccabi and looking after, inspiring and leading our athletes.
  • A secondary focus of this program is to introduce these Youth leaders to the Maccabi Australia Leadership pathway for our youth to develop their leadership capabilities with a view of nurturing, maintaining their involvement so they journey through the pathways which can include graduating from Youth Leader to Youth Leader  Co-Ordinator/ Team Manager / Committee members to participant in the Future Leaders Program or Management at National or International Events.

Sport Leadership


By taking a proactive approach to leadership development, the program seeks to develop a leadership pipeline for future leaders by providing the training to appropriate people at various levels of the organisation. Developing leaders early and throughout their careers ensures their potential is maximized today as well as readying them for more senior roles in the future.

The leadership program comprises 3 elements designed to build on each other as well as previous training provided through the Future Leaders Program.

  1. Workshops
    • 6 workshops (per state- VIC and NSW) in the 12 months prior to Maccabiah games
    • Attendees: Leadership Team, Medical Team, Media Team, Security, Team Managers, Coaches and Support and Future Leaders.
  1. Retreat 6 months prior to games
    • Attendees: Leadership Team, Medical Team, Media Team, Security, Team Managers, Coaches and Support and Future Leaders.
  1. Identification, Mentoring and Development of Future leaders
    • Duration: 18 months, commencing at workshop date, ending post Maccabiah
    • Participants: Two- four youth leaders Identified from Future Leaders Program