Are you looking for a great way to get involved in the community?
We have many programs across Australia that are hosted and managed by volunteers. In fact, Volunteers are the greatest asset we have – it would simply not be possible for Maccabi to operate without the generosity and passion of the many people who give up their valuable time to help develop our community.
Volunteering can:
- give you a sense of achievement and purpose
- help you feel part of a community
- help you feel better about yourself by improving your self-esteem and confidence
- help you share your talents, learn new skills and create a better work-life balance
- help combat stress, loneliness, social isolation and depression
- help you meet new people, which can help you feel more connected and valued
At Maccabi we have many roles either formal or informal and are constantly looking for people of all ages to lean in and assist. The informal roles can be for an event or assisting at a function- these are more likely to be short term. The formal roles can include taking up a position on a committee or seeking election to our State or National Boards
Volunteer roles include:
- Supporting members participating in our regular sporting programs
- Becoming a buddy for an all-abilities participant integrating into a mainstream program
- Helping facilitate volunteer opportunities for members at community and special events
- Participating in come’n’try and special events to offer support and social interaction
- Assisting with program organisation and logistic
Maccabi Australia
Volunteer Awards ( MAVA)
To ensure that we recognise the value and contribution made by Volunteers – we have recently introduced the MAVA program. The purpose of which is to recognise people who have made a significant contribution to the Maccabi movement in Australia as volunteers or at International, National, State and Club level
The MAVA will recognise voluntary work carried out by administrators, coaches, managers, officials and other volunteers who have contributed to Maccabi
There shall be five categories of MAVA:
- Platinum MAVA – for people who made a significant contribution to the Maccabi movement for 30 years or more;
- Gold MAVA – for significant contributions for 20 years or more;
- Silver MAVA – for significant contribution for 10 years or more;
- Bronze MAVA – for significant for 5 years or more;
- President’s MAVA – to be awarded by Maccabi Australia to volunteers who have performed exceptional service to the Maccabi movement
MAVA will not be a substitute or a replacement for the Award of Life Membership of Maccabi Australia or its members or clubs. The sole criteria for a MAVA is dedication to Maccabi through the consistent and ongoing donation of time and effort as a volunteer in whatever capacity deemed by Maccabi Australia to be worthy of recognition. These will be awarded each year as determined by the Maccabi Australia Board of Governors.
WE need you – so why not volunteer with the largest grassroots Jewish organisation in Australia
If you’d like to know more please contact Terri on operations.mai@maccabi.com.au