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Brian’s Reflections on Maccabiah 2022

I have had over 50 years involvement with Maccabi, as a competitor, supporting my children and as an administrator. I have attended numerous Carnivals and events, but I had never attended a Maccabiah.

The opportunity to attend as part of the Maccabiah Supporters Mission was something that I intended to take full advantage of. This new concept, developed and inspired by Jeff Sher, offered the perfect opportunity for me to attend, feel like I was part of the team, and engage with the Maccabiah experience.

The people attending the Supporters Mission were essentially parents or grandparents of athletes competing. The mission offered a VIP experience including access to all the major events, such as the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as other events that we would not normally have been able to attend such as a pre-opening cocktail party and a meeting with the Australian ambassador. In addition, we were treated to high level speakers that provided us insights into the Israeli experience at all levels, from high profile celebrities like Lior Raz (Fauda) to high-ranking officers explaining to us the ethics of war and Israel’s unique position in the world.

The visceral excitement I felt as the Australian team entered the arena on the opening night was something that I will always remember. The pride and warmth I felt as I saw people that I had worked with for years and others who I knew that were competing was palpable and I will hold those memories forever.

Each day, as I walked through the streets of Tel Aviv proudly wearing my Maccabi Australia uniform, I was often approached by people from other countries just wanting to talk. The love and esteem held for the Australian contingent is well known and was something that I experienced personally. I was Maccabi Proud!

Attending Maccabiah was the culmination of my Maccabi experience. To be surrounded by Jewish athletes and supporters from almost 70 countries, all competing under the Maccabiah banner filled me with pride and joy.

As part of the Supporters Mission, we were part of a once in a lifetime experience. We felt part of the Maccabi team and we are the beneficiaries of many wonderful friendships that were made over the period of the Games and that will endure for a lifetime.

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