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The 2022/2023 Summer AVSL Track and Field Season Has Started

The 2022/2023 summer AVSL track and field season started over the weekend – with Maccabi athletes scoring significant points in their events – resulting in Maccabi leading the AVSL Division 5 ladder after this first week.

The club welcomed 14 year old Keira Donner in her first AVSL competitions – where she ran strong 800m and 200m races. Danielle Axarlis (200m and triple jump) and Maccabiah Games junior medallist Skye Edelstein who clocked an impressive 61.37sec for the under 18 400m, also accumulated great club points.

State under 16 junior medallists Ian Revale (11.77m 5kg) in the shot put and Ben Blecher (200m 24.22sec, and 800m) also started their season in fine form, as did Nationally ranked para athlete Ori Drabkin (in the 200m and 800m) and Masters state ranked athlete Myer Vorchheimer (M70) in the 200m and triple jump.
Training Sunday, was held in the morning due to Erev Succot, and was very well attended by an enthusiastic squad of athletes – together with coaches David Brock – (welcomed back after his honeymoon), and Ilia.

Entries are now also open for the Victorian All Schools championships to be held over the weekends 29-30th October and 5-6th November. Please click here for more information and to enter:


It is wonderful to have so many new athletes training with Maccabi. If you have not already done so – could you please register with the club.
To join the club for the 2022/23 season, please click the link: 


If you require further information re joining the club please call Len Bogatin on 0411 512404.


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