Maccabi Foundation


Maccabi Foundation

Help support the future of sport and wellbeing in the Jewish community. 

With your help, the Maccabi Foundation will be able to ensure that the Australian Jewish community can maintain social and community connections and lead healthy and active lives. 

The Maccabi Foundation supports Maccabi across Australia, including National, State and Club-level programs and projects. 

We are very grateful to all of our generous supporters who ensure that Maccabi’s vision and values can live on from generation to generation. 

About Us

Maccabi recognises the important role that sport and wellbeing play in our community. By bringing people together in an atmosphere of health, activity and common interests, Maccabi helps to maintain a strong community and a strong sense of Jewish identity. 

The Maccabi Foundation was formed to provide a centralised and coordinated manner to generate financial support for Maccabi’s clubs and key projects. Through the application of the funds raised, the organisation can continue to offer our community high-quality facilities, infrastructure, resourcing/coaching and innovative programs for its 9,000 members across Australia 

As we manage the ever-changing requirements of the current landscape, Maccabi leadership is united in its objective to provide our community with the best available resources, coaches and programs that deliver the most positive outcomes.  At National, State and Club level, we are committed to delivering the highest-quality experience for our almost 10,000 athletes, coaches, administrators and volunteers, and 30,000 supporters, regardless of age or ability.  

We are committed to ensuring that no-one is left behind and that every Jewish person has the opportunity to participate in Maccabi. 

We have reviewed our approach to fundraising to ensure that we can focus on supporting both our clubs and our innovative learning and development programs. As such, we have developed a more coordinated national approach, coupled with a plan for the development of various revenue-generating social enterprises that will be the future lifeblood of Maccabi. 

The vision of the Foundation is to support and develop: 

  • Strong and growing clubs which keep our community connected and support excellence in team and individual performance 
  • A strong financial base to enable Maccabi state bodies and their affiliated clubs to grow and achieve their goals 
  • Well-planned, high-quality sports and social facilities for all Maccabi clubs and our community to share 
  • Strong programs which promote good health, important life skills and positive values through sport and wellbeing 

Our Values

The Maccabi Foundation upholds and is guided by the values that Maccabi honours: 

Our People

The Maccabi Foundation is governed by Directors with longstanding passion for and commitment to Maccabi. Their role is to lead the Foundation, setting the strategic direction and operational plans, and monitoring the progress made to achieve these goals. They also ensure the appropriate governance and compliance of the Foundation.  

Dale Smorgon

Dale is the CEO of Innovative Retail Pty Ltd, a leading supplier of children’s entertainment services, as well as being a Director of Generation Investments, a family investment company.  He is a passionate lover of many sports, and played for Ajax Football Club for…

Dale is the CEO of Innovative Retail Pty Ltd, a leading supplier of children’s entertainment services, as well as being a Director of Generation Investments, a family investment company.  He is a passionate lover of many sports, and played for Ajax Football Club for many years at both junior and senior levels, including being part of the 1999 Reserve Grade Premiership team.  Dale has three sons, two of which are active in both Maccabi basketball and AJAX Junior Football.  Dale joined the Foundation Board in January 2015

Alan Synman OAM

Alan Synman has been involved in Maccabi since the 1960s, playing and coaching for the AJAX Football Club. He has been instrumental in driving numerous Maccabi Victoria projects over the years, including the All Abilities Project, overseeing the Leon Haskin Tennis Centre development, creating…

Alan Synman has been involved in Maccabi since the 1960s, playing and coaching for the AJAX Football Club. He has been instrumental in driving numerous Maccabi Victoria projects over the years, including the All Abilities Project, overseeing the Leon Haskin Tennis Centre development, creating the Club Coaching Fund, and project managing a number of developments for the AJAX Amateur Football Club. Alan is a life member of Maccabi Victoria and has been a Foundation Director  since 2004. Alan is a leading architect who is involved in numerous community organisations. Retiring from SJB in 2005, Alan continues to consult to the practice providing advice and assistance in educational and golf related projects.

Michael Same

Honorary Treasurer
Michael is a business consultant formerly a Director of knp Solutions Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants.  Today he has continued to foster a unique relationship with his clients, often being the first point of call for those seeking advice with business, personal, development and planning issues.…

Michael is a business consultant formerly a Director of knp Solutions Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants.  Today he has continued to foster a unique relationship with his clients, often being the first point of call for those seeking advice with business, personal, development and planning issues. He sits on various business advisory boards. His interests are broadened by his charitable involvement with an involvement in excess of 10 years as a Director of the Butterfly Foundation. Butterfly Foundation is the national charity for all Australians impacted by eating disorders and body image issues, and for the families, friends and communities who support them and on the board of the PNET Cancer Foundation.

Michael has been involved with Maccabi for over 50 years and has served on various committees including Maccabi Australia, Maccabi Victoria and the Maccabi Hockey Club. Michael is also a Maccabi Victoria Life Member.

Ian Davis

Immediate Past Chairman & Director
Ian is a highly regarded senior legal practitioner and is a Senior Partner and previously National Chairman of international law firm Minter Ellison. Ian acts for a number of high net worth private family groups and has many years’ experience in serving on boards…

Ian is a highly regarded senior legal practitioner and is a Senior Partner and previously National Chairman of international law firm Minter Ellison.

Ian acts for a number of high net worth private family groups and has many years’ experience in serving on boards of family offices including in the role of Chairman. Advice includes generational transition and succession planning, asset protection, wealth management and philanthropy. He has acted in the ASX listing of numerous companies, either for the company or the underwriter and is former non-executive Chairman and non-executive Director of a number of publicly listed and private companies. Ian was the Chairman of the Maccabi Victoria Sports Foundation since inception 2 June 2003 to 2019.

Daniel Parasol

Committee Member - Revenue Raising
Daniel has been involved in Maccabi having attended numerous Junior and Senior Carnivals and also representing Australian in the 1997 Maccabiah Games. Daniel has been involved with Maccabi as a competitor and now a parent of 3 children actively involved with Maccabi Sport. Daniel…

Daniel has been involved in Maccabi having attended numerous Junior and Senior Carnivals and also representing Australian in the 1997 Maccabiah Games. Daniel has been involved with Maccabi as a competitor and now a parent of 3 children actively involved with Maccabi Sport. Daniel also currently serves on the Leibler Yavneh College Executive and was a former member of the Bendigo Bank Caulfield Park Community Bank Board. Professionally Daniel is an Investment Adviser and Partner at Evans and Partners.
Daniel was elected on to the Board in November 2016.

Ashley Krongold

Ashley is the CEO of the Krongold Group of Companies. The Krongold Group has domestic and global interests in property construction/development/investment and operates Australia’s largest independent Corporate Travel Management company – Voyager Travel Corporation. The Krongold family have had a long association with Maccabi…

Ashley is the CEO of the Krongold Group of Companies. The Krongold Group has domestic and global interests in property construction/development/investment and operates Australia’s largest independent Corporate Travel Management company – Voyager Travel Corporation. The Krongold family have had a long association with Maccabi including Ashley being a member of AJAX Football Club’s 1999 Seniors Premiership team. Ashley is involved with various communal charities, foundations and organisations.

Hannah Hammerschlag

Hannah was a commercial lawyer for a number of years, across property law and medical & health law. In 2016, she made a move across to social enterprise to pursue an interest in food waste and innovation, when she took the role of Head…

Hannah was a commercial lawyer for a number of years, across property law and medical & health law. In 2016, she made a move across to social enterprise to pursue an interest in food waste and innovation, when she took the role of Head of Business Development at a start-up company called Yume Food, an online B2B marketplace for the sale of surplus food.

After maternity leave for her first child, while Hannah and her family were living in Gippsland, she worked for a period with a boutique consulting company, CIS Consulting. There, she took lead responsibility on a number of new venture capital raising and establishment projects in the food, agriculture and education sectors. Once back in Melbourne, she returned to Yume Food and worked for another year in a strategic and operations role before having her second child in mid-2019.

Throughout 2020 she completed the Observership Board Directorship Program (observing the Board and a subcommittee of Jewish Care Victoria) and completed the associated AICD training.

Hannah has had a long standing and strong affiliation with Maccabi and Jewish sport. She developed her love for hockey at AJAX Hockey Club, before going on to play at State League level with another local club. She also represented Australia at Maccabiah Games for hockey in 2015 and 2019 – captaining both teams. Her experiences at Maccabiah were highly influential in cementing her Jewish identity and connection to community.

She is excited to reconnect with Maccabi and to engage with the mission of the organisation, particularly during this next phase of innovation and development.


Michael Herskope

Michael became a Director of the Foundation in 2010. He and his two sons have been actively involved in junior Maccabi sports clubs. He is the CEO of Wilbow Group and has previously had stints practising law and in senior executive roles in large…

Michael became a Director of the Foundation in 2010. He and his two sons have been actively involved in junior Maccabi sports clubs. He is the CEO of Wilbow Group and has previously had stints practising law and in senior executive roles in large listed corporations.

Joseph Azulay

Joseph Azoulay is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse Wealth Management and Head of Melbourne. Joseph joined Credit Suisse in 2014 and has 22 years of financial markets experience specialising in corporate advisory, funds management and private wealth management. Joseph commenced his career at…

Joseph Azoulay is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse Wealth Management and Head of Melbourne. Joseph joined Credit Suisse in 2014 and has 22 years of financial markets experience specialising in corporate advisory, funds management and private wealth management. Joseph commenced his career at Hindal Corporate and then worked for a prominent family office prior to joining boutique funds manager, Kira Capital and then Deutsche Bank as Director of Private Wealth.  Joseph holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Melbourne and is a Senior Associate of the FINSIA. Joseph has participated in the Leading Professional Services Firm course at Harvard Business School.  Joe brings strong governance and financial skills to the Foundation as he is currently the Chair of the Epilepsy Foundation and also the Chair of the Credit Suisse Charity Committee. Joseph is married with four children, 3 of whom are active across the Maccabi platform and he is passionate about ensuring all children have the opportunity to participate in sport.


Maccabi relies on funding through a number of sources including philanthropic foundations, major donors, government grants, the JCA (NSW) and corporate sponsors. We also receive donations from simcha support, bequests, organised events and our annual campaign.  

When donating to the Maccabi Foundation you have the choice to make a tagged or untagged donation. Untagged donations will be allocated according to the Foundation’s Allocations policy, ensuring that they are put to work where they can make the most impact at the time. If you would like your donation to be allocated to a particular program, State, Club or project please specify when donating. 

We will only use your personal information for the purposes of corresponding with you or sending you information directly related to our organisation. We will never sell, distribute or disseminate any of your personal information and you can unsubscribe from any of our mail-outs at any time. 

The Maccabi Foundation is a DGR2 (category 2 Designated Gift Recipient). Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Some Family Foundations may need to donate to the Maccabi Foundation via the ASF to ensure tax deductibility. If you feel this may apply to you, please contact 

What We Do


Some key milestones in the Foundation’s history include:

  • 2002: Maccabi Victoria Sports Foundation established
  • 2008: Leon Haskin Tennis Centre built, providing a much-needed community facility and a home for Maccabi Tennis
  • 2010: the club grants program was established. This ongoing program supports Maccabi’s clubs to ensure they can continue to deliver high-quality opportunities for their members
  • 2010: the disadvantaged players program was established to ensure that no member of the Jewish community was held back from participating in sport due to financial hardship
  • 2010: the Coaching Program Fund was launched to help support high quality coaching for our clubs
  • 2012: the cricket nets project ensured that the Maccabi AJAX Cricket Club had high standard training facilities
  • 2013: the All Abilities Project launched. This ongoing program ensures that members of the Jewish community with a disability are able to participate in sport and recreation
  • 2015: the Henry Jolson Pathways Program launched. This program focuses on developing participation opportunities and pathways for all Maccabi members and potential members and includes schools programs and club coaching support
  • 2020: in response to the challenging Covid situation, the Hardship Relief Fund was designed to ensure that everyone can continue to be a part of Maccabi, regardless of changing financial situations
  • 2021: the establishment of the Maccabi Foundation, recognising that the whole of Maccabi would benefit from having one centralised body to coordinate all fundraising efforts.

Simcha support

We are so grateful to the members of the community who choose to share their simchas (special events) with us. Why not mark your next milestone occasion by asking for donations to the Maccabi Foundation? You can choose to make a general donation, or you can direct your funds to a club, program or project that has a special significance to you.

How does Simcha Giving work?

Next time you are celebrating a special occasion, such as a birthday, engagement, wedding, anniversary or bar/bat mitzvah, take the opportunity to ask your friends and family to support Maccabi instead of giving you a gift.

We will work with you to set up a personalised online fundraising platform so you can easily share it with your loved ones. We can also support people who may not feel comfortable with an online platform and would prefer to give via cheque or credit card.

We will keep you update with the progress of your donations and will let you know how much you have raised and present a certificate after your event.

You can also choose to make a donation on behalf of someone else’s celebration, even if they are not running a simcha support campaign. Contact us to ensure that your donation is recognised in their name, and we can organise a special letter and certificate to mark the occasion.


Planning your estate is about looking after those you care about. If Maccabi has played a role in your life, you may wish to continue to support the organisation by ensuring the future of sport and wellbeing in the Jewish community. 

Remembering Maccabi in your will is a thoughtful and generous act which will allow future generations to continue to connect with their community and live active, healthy lives. It is a wonderful way to ensure that your generosity continues to make an impact beyond your lifetime. 

All bequests, unless specifically indicated, will go towards XXX. If you wish to direct your bequest to a particular program or project, please get in touch. 

A gift included in your estate, whether a percentage of your assets or a fixed sum, will have an enormous impact on the Maccabi community and will give you the opportunity to create or build on your family legacy. 

Your gift can take a variety of forms: 

  • Pecuniary – a specific gift of cash. 
  • Percentage – a percentage of either the residue or the entire estate. 
  • Residuary – the remainder of an estate after specific gifts have been disbursed. 
  • Specific asset – real estate, shares, bonds or other particular items of value. 

Residuary and percentage are considered the most beneficial forms of a bequest for recipients as they hold their value over time. You may like to consider leaving a percentage of your estate rather than a dollar amount, as the value of your bequest could be significantly eroded by inflation between the time you write your will and the time it is administered. 

Donor tiers

Below are some of the benefits of becoming a Maccabi supporter. Your recognition will be tailored according to the donation amount, and if your donation is directed towards a specific program. Tiers are based on cumulative giving and we have many supporters who choose to commit to a multi-year contribution.



Benefits of being recognised as a Bronze Tier Supporter include

  • Receive a biannual impact report to show where your money is going
  • One newsletter mention – i.e. “thank you to our new supporters XYZ for coming on board”
  • Referenced in social media thank you posts throughout the year
  • Referenced in collateral for major events (e.g. Hall of Fame booklet, AGM booklet)
  • Name listed on website (with web link, if appropriate)
  • Given the opportunity to include giveaway / showbag items for events
  • Invited to Maccabi events



Benefits of being recognised as a Silver Tier Supporter include

  • Receive a biannual impact report to show where your money is going
  • One newsletter mention – i.e. “thank you to our new supporters XYZ for coming on board”
  • Referenced in social media thank you posts throughout the year
  • Referenced in collateral for major events (e.g. Hall of Fame booklet, AGM booklet)
  • Name listed on website (with web link, if appropriate)
  • Given the opportunity to include giveaway / showbag items for events
  • Invited to Maccabi events



Benefits of being recognised as a Gold Tier Supporter include

  • Receive a biannual impact report to show where your money is going
  • One newsletter mention – i.e. “thank you to our new supporters XYZ for coming on board”
  • Referenced in social media thank you posts throughout the year
  • Referenced in collateral for major events (e.g. Hall of Fame booklet, AGM booklet), including logo
  • Name and logo listed on website (with web link, if appropriate)
  • Listed on email footer for major comms (e.g. Macc-chat, major Maccabi Life emails)
  • Given the opportunity to include giveaway / showbag items for events
  • Invited to Maccabi events
  • Invited to Maccabi Foundation VIP experiences
  • Ability to display a pop up banner at events that you are sponsoring



Benefits of being recognised as a Platinum Tier Supporter include

  • Receive a biannual impact report to show where your money is going
  • One newsletter mention – i.e. “thank you to our new supporters XYZ for coming on board”
  • Referenced in social media thank you posts throughout the year
  • Referenced in collateral for major events (e.g. Hall of Fame booklet, AGM booklet), including logo
  • Name and logo listed on website (with web link, if appropriate)
  • Listed on email footer for major comms (e.g. Macc-chat, major Maccabi Life emails)
  • Given the opportunity to include giveaway / showbag items for events
  • Invited to Maccabi events
  • Invited to Maccabi Foundation VIP experiences
  • Provided with tickets to key Maccabi events (in discussion with event organisers)
  • Ability to display a pull up banner at key events.

Benefits of being recognised as a Diamond Tier Supporter include

  • Receive a biannual impact report to show where your money is going
  • One newsletter mention – i.e. “thank you to our new supporters XYZ for coming on board”
  • Referenced in social media thank you posts throughout the year
  • Referenced in collateral for major events (e.g. Hall of Fame booklet, AGM booklet), including logo
  • Name and logo listed on website (with web link, if appropriate)
  • Listed on email footer for major comms (e.g. Macc-chat, major Maccabi Life emails)
  • Given the opportunity to include giveaway / showbag items for events
  • Invited to Maccabi events
  • Invited to Maccabi Foundation VIP experiences
  • Provided with tickets to key Maccabi events (in discussion with event organisers)
  • Ability to display a pull up banner at key events.

Contact us

Dale Smorgon, Foundation President:

Donor Management:

Maccabi office 03 9563 5885

Office times (by appointment): 1/115 Hawthorn Rd, North Caulfield 3161