All Abilities VIC – about


About All Abilities Victoria

Maccabi Victoria’s All Abilities program aims to provide Jewish people with disabilities with greater opportunities to participate in sport and recreation, with a focus on individualised and person-centred approaches.

Our Mission

To increase access and participation opportunities for Jewish people of all abilities in sport and active recreation.


Our Vision

More Maccabi members of All Abilities participating in inclusive and integrated sporting and active recreational opportunities on a regular basis.

Our multi-faceted approach includes:

  • Regular sporting opportunities and special events specifically designed for participants with a disability.
  • Supporting the mainstream Maccabi clubs to integrate all abilities members through training as well as voluntary and coaching roles.
  • Working with other community organisations to offer a wide range of activities and opportunities for people with a disability, which focus on both physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Club education and resources to empower the mainstream Maccabi clubs to promote inclusion and inclusive club practices.

We undertake all of this with our core values of:

Our keys to success are:

History of All Abilities

Maccabi Victoria’s All Abilities program has come a long way from its humble beginnings over 10 years ago. It is now a firmly established Maccabi Victoria undertaking, and we believe that it will continue on for many years to come, improving and enriching the lives of members of the Jewish community with a disability.


In the beginning: The basketball program

In 2005, a group of passionate and strong-willed group of mothers established a basketball team for their children with a disability. They gathered together, headed by Loran Miller, and were determined to allow their children to have the opportunity to play a in a regular, structured sporting activity.

The newly established ‘Dolphins‘ basketball team soon began playing. They would meet once a week at the local basketball courts, the Rec Centre on Maple Street in South Caulfield, and commenced training with the support of school students Kimberly Miller, Lauren Mandel and Jamie Zaidenberg. The team was coached for many more years by Kathy Hay, then more recently, by Rubin Winograd and Zoe Diamond, and is now under the guidance of Monique Jedwab and Barb Bejer.


Building connections: The All Abilities commitee

After several years the program was taken under the wing of Maccabi Victoria, with the tremendous support of Russell Jaffe and Sharon Hamilton. Russell, together with Daniel Leighton from Jewish Care, began a long partnership between the two organisations to ensure the establishment of the program. In 2007, Maccabi Victoria and Jewish Care came together to maximise their resources, skills and personnel in support of Jewish people of all abilities having access to sporting and recreational activities.  Access Inc. also played an important role throughout the establishment of the All Abilities program, through their admirable efforts in the advocacy space.

The All Abilities project was unique in that it enabled the group to be incorporated into a mainstream organisation.  Sharon worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that this program grew from strength to strength, taking on the Maccabi Victoria Board portfolio position and reporting to each Board meeting. The All Abilities Committee was set up with representatives from local council, Jewish Care, Access Inc. (Deena Goldbloom was especially involved) and parents of a child with a disability.


Onwards and upwards: Program development

The committee met regularly to discuss the All Abilities project, and decided to expand on the programs offered. In addition to the weekly basketball training, other programs were initiated during the year. This included come’n’try ten-pin bowling, table tennis, soccer, football and lawn bowls sessions, with the support of the mainstream Maccabi Victoria clubs.

Sharon and the committee also worked together to set up an annual fundraiser, the Tribal Dance event, supported by the Stonnington City Council. These events were open to all members of the community and encouraged everyone to come together regardless of age or ability.

In 2011 and 2012, Sharon and the committee developed the inaugural All Abilities Holiday program. This three-day event hosted many people with disabilities of various ages, who joined in many different sports and activities.

The activities were strongly supported financially by the Theodore Herzl Club, who provided invaluable ongoing financial support. In addition, a significant one off grant from the Waverley Hebrew Congregation, (after it was wound up) also contributed to the success of the Program. Smaller grants from various municipalities were also received.


Further research: All Abilities needs analysis

In 2012, Nikki Burger (Sport Management Consultant) was approached by Russell Jaffe and Philip Sheezel from the Maccabi Victoria Sports Foundation, in collaboration with Maccabi Victoria and Jewish Care, to complete a joint project, known as the All Abilities Needs Analysis. This became the foundation for the growth of the All Abilities program in 2014. The study examined the experiences of people with disabilities in the Jewish community, analysed the demographics of Jewish people with a disability, as well as considering the needs and requirements of the Maccabi mainstream clubs, providing recommendations on how to better support people with disabilities to participate in sport and recreation within the Maccabi infrastructure. A key recommendation was to raise funds to employ an Inclusion Coordinator, a step which, once implemented, has brought about massive changes and improvements to the All Abilities Program. Funds were primarily raised through strenuous efforts by Alan Synman, leading the way with his family’s own significant contribution.


Cause for celebration: The project launch

In March 2014, the All Abilities Needs Analysis and the broader All Abilities project was formally launched at the beautiful Mossgreen venue in Armadale. Russell Jaffe helped bring this evening to life, through his efforts in coordinating the keynote speaker, Richard Bernstein, to come across from the United States. Richard has been blind from birth and shared his life-long inspiring stories of success within the sporting space and as a lawyer.


The project grows: All Abilities inclusion coordinator

Following the completion of the Analysis, Russell Jaffe spent hours behind the scenes putting together a submission to Sport and Recreation Victoria for funding. The grant was approved and, together with the private donations, enabled Maccabi Victoria to employ its first All Abilities Inclusion Coordinator, Lauren Mandel, at the beginning of 2014. Lauren came to Maccabi with experience in the disability sector, having coached the ‘Dolphins’ team and having been a disability support worker for various organisations. She was followed in 2015 by Shari Cohen, whose hands-on experience in the fitness industry and disability space has helped the program continue to flourish.

Particular highlights since the coordinator role has been established have been:

  • Growing All Abilities membership.
  • Offering a huge range of inclusive programs and integrated opportunities for sport and active recreation.
  • Introducing volunteer and paid work opportunities for members.
  • Working to increase the inclusivity of Junior Carnival for participants, youth leaders and volunteers.
  • Roll out of the Maccabi Australia Member Protection Policy, including a Disability Inclusion policy.
  • Stronger collaboration with other Jewish Disability service providers and peak sporting bodies.
  • Improved marketing and promotion strategies, via website, newsletter and Facebook.


Constant development

The program continues to grow, with hundreds of attendances each year at events including:

  • basketball training and tournaments
  • swimming and the annual Maccabi / MS Swimathon
  • shmooze and groove walking group
  • dance
  • table tennis
  • tenpin bowling
  • lawn bowls
  • sailing
  • cricket
  • Junior Carnival

We look forward to seeing what comes next for Maccabi All Abilities.

Sponsors and Supporters

Our program wouldn’t be where it is today without our fantastic donors and supporters.


Our key donors:

  • Alan Synman
  • Gandel Philanthropy
  • Jack & Robert Smorgon Families Foundation
  • Victorian Department of Sport and Recreation
  • Anonymous

Some of our great supporters:

  • Access Inc.
  • Basketball Victoria
  • Bayside City Council
  • City of Glen Eira
  • Disability Sport & Recreation
  • Flying Fox
  • Friendship Circle
  • Jewish Care Victoria
  • Jewish Spectrum Support
  • Maccabi Australia
  • Maccabi Sports Foundation
  • Maccabi Victoria
  • SILC (Social Inclusion Leadership Committee)

Looking to the Future

We are always on the look out for new opportunities and new partnerships that we can share with our members.

In 2019/2020 we trialled some activities which we are keen to continue, and are looking at developing some new programs.

Some of our new activities/trial programs that we are hoping to turn into regular opportunities include:

  • an annual ski trip with Flying Fox
  • regular inclusive cricket training sessions with the Maccabi AJAX Senior Cricket Club
  • our buddy program
  • involvement in the Maccabi Victoria school holiday programs
  • sailing with Sailability

Some new programs ‘in the works’ include:

  • a program for teens and young athletes
  • working with the Maccabi Victoria Pathways coordinator to facilitate disability sport opportunities in schools


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