Get Involved – All Abilities VIC


Get Involved


Are you looking to play in a Maccabi Victoria All Abilities program, or do you need support to play in a mainstream Maccabi Victoria Club?

Our programs are designed to work holistically with Jewish individuals with a disability, families and carers.

We can offer:

  • An indiviudalised plan to address your needs
  • Participation in sporting and recreational activities at your appropriate level  (both active and non-playing)
  • Integration and inclusion via Maccabi Victoria’s mainstream clubs

Your individualised program may include:

  • Regular active sporting opportunities
  • Come’n’try days
  • Pathways to mainstream clubs and competitions
  • Holiday programs and one-off special events
  • Junior Sporting Carnivals
  • Volunteer and non-playing roles
  • Recreational sporting events AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

If you’d like to know more please contact Kate Lustig on or 9563 5885.



Are you looking for a great way to get involved in the community?

Our programs offer a great opportunity to get involved in supporting Jewish individuals with disabilities through sport and recreation activities.

Volunteer roles include:

  • Supporting members participating in our regular sporting programs
  • Becoming a buddy for an all abilities participant integrating into a mainstream program
  • Helping facilitate volunteer opportunities for members at community and special events
  • Participating in come’n’try and special events to offer support and social interaction
  • Assisting with program organisation and logistics

Benefits of volunteering with Maccabi All Abilities:

  • Have fun helping others whilst staying active
  • Get involved in your favourite sport – or one you’ve always wanted to try
  • Gain practical experience in the disability sector
  • Make new friends whilst contributing to the community

If you’d like to know more please contact Kate Lustig on or 9563 5885.



Our programs, which are only possible through the generosity of our supporters, offer great opportunities for community connection through sport.

Where your funding goes:

  • Offsetting the costs of our programs and events to ensure that we never limit anyone’s participation due to financial restrictions.
  • Contributing to the cost of an inclusion coordinator to facilitate our programs and constantly search for new opportunities

Why support Maccabi All Abilities:

  • Be confident in the knowledge that you’re helping someone make the difference to their health and fitness.
  • Take an active part in helping build social ties within the community.
  • Know that your contribution is helping make a positive impact on the lives of Jewish individuals with a disability.

For more information on how to support the Maccabi Victoria All Abilities program, please contact Kate Lustig on or 9563 5885.