Resources – All Abilities VIC



Fact Sheets

The following are six fact sheets developed by the Australian Sports Commission, to provide information on how sports organisations and clubs can become more inclusive to people with a disability, and why this is so important.

1. Inclusion In Sport

2. Adapting and Modifying (part 1)

3. Adapting and Modifying (part 2)

4. Creating a positive environment and communicating effectively

5. Classification in sport for people with a disability

6. Disability Discrimination Act


For more information, please visit the Australian Sports Commission website.

Myths About Disabilities


Many strange and surprising myths exist around disability. This issue we thought we would share some of these with you.

Fact: Many people with disability are fully contributing members of society. A disability is not necessarily an illness and people with disability should be treated as healthy individuals. Research indicates that people with disabilities take fewer sick days than other employees. Their impairments may cause inconvenience in particular areas of activity, but they are rarely totally dysfunctional.

Fact: Intellectual disability is defined as a person having significantly below average intelligence (IQ of 70 or less) and shortcomings in everyday life skills, for example personal skills such as self-care are inadequate compared with other people of the same age and culture. Mental health disorders are illnesses, often episodic and controlled with medication and often not manifesting until late adolescence.

Fact: Children and adults with an ASD often care deeply but lack the ability to spontaneously develop empathic and socially connected typical behaviour.

Fact: Autism spectrum disorders are increasing across the globe at an alarming rate. No one knows the cause or causes for the increase. Better and earlier diagnosis can only account for a fraction of the current increases in numbers.

Fact: People with mental health disorders are rarely violent.

Fact: People with mental health disorders are usually indistinguishable in their behaviour from the rest of the community. Very occasionally they may suffer side effects from medication such as drowsiness or uncontrollable trembling.

Fact: Only very few deaf people have no residual hearing at all. Even those with a severe hearing loss can pick up certain ranges of sound via hearing aids or other equipment. However, hearing aids do not restore the full range of hearing, and some deaf people choose not to use them.

Fact: Although this is a skill that many deaf people have, lip reading may not be an accurate means of deciphering speech, as about 60% of lip reading is guesswork. It is a skill that some people may not be able to master.

Fact: Only a small percentage of vision impaired people see nothing at all. Darkness is the eye telling you that there is no light on. People who are totally blind do not have the ability to see light, or darkness. They see nothing at all.

Fact: People who are blind or have low vision are not endowed with a sharper sense of touch, hearing, taste, or smell. To compensate for their loss of vision, many learn to listen more carefully, or remember without taking notes, or increase directional acumen to compensate for their lack of functional vision.

The above article has been taken from ACE DisAbility Network Summer 2014 Newsletter

Health Promotion Resource

The VicHealth ‘Enabling Health: Taking Action to Improve the Health of People with a Disability” is an evidence-based health promotion resource. It provides best practice information and guidance on action to improve the health and well-being of people with a diability living in our communities.

The resource includes:

  • Findings from scientific literature reviews
  • Local and international case studies highlighting best health promotion practices

The useful tool can be utilised for people who work within the disability sector. This tool is extremely siginificant because whilst we know that the overall health of people with a disability is much worse than that of the general population; people with a disability have not been prioritised in the same way as other population groups experiencing inequity.

Please downloads the full report, summary report and an Easy English version below.

Enabling Health: Taking action to improve the health of people with a disability

Enabling Health Framework

Appendix 1: Detailed description of review methods

Appendix 2: Data extraction tables

Appendix 3: Gaps in knowledge

Disability and health: everyone can help (EASY ENGLISH VERSION)

Study on Sport & Disability