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Lawn Bowls: What’s on at Maccabi Bowls



Upcoming Events 

June  Sunday  26  Pairs Tournament
July/August  Sunday – Friday  31-5  Carnival at Mermaid Beach
September  Sunday  18  Triples tournament
October  Thursday  20  Movie (TBA)
November  Sunday  27  Family and Friends Day
December  Tues/Wed/ Thurs  27/28/29  End of Year Twilight Bowls


As you can see from our bowls calendar there are several events planned for the remainder of the year. 

Our Pairs Tournament is our next event on the 26 June. 

Our Secretary has sent an email to all our members to remind everyone to get their entries in so we can make final arrangements. 

Below is a copy of Mark’s email. It is very important that we get the information. 

Dear Members, 

The Pairs Tournament is taking place on Sunday 26th June. Some members have said to me whilst playing on the  Green “put my name down for the Pairs, I will play with so and so”. Also have had the same scenario in the Clubhouse. It is not possible for me to remember these names and I am asking members to please fill out the entry form with your details. Preferably with a partner’s name and forward to me or give it to me at DBBC on a Monday,  Wednesday or Saturday, otherwise, there is no record of your entry and you will not be included in the list of players for this event. Attached is the entry form for the Pairs Tournament. There is a limit on numbers so please assist by filling out the entry form and forwarding it as per the details on the flyer. 

Similarly as above, if you intend to be part of our Gold Coast Carnival, please fill out the Gold Cost Flyer (also attached) and return it to me ASAP. The Carnival 31st July-5th August includes two restaurant dinners ( included in the entry fee) and our numbers have to be given to the restaurants, together with a deposit early next month.  

If you have any queries on either event, please contact me as per my details below. 


Mark Fisher 
Hon. Secretary 
0410 663 903

Social News: 

Happy birthdays to our members who are celebrating birthdays in the first 2 weeks of June:



Arnold Javen, George Sofer, Ian Hadassin, Leon Kass, Michael Moddel, Tony Cohen

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